Sunday, December 14, 2008

'Tis the Season

Today is my annual Christmas Open House and I am so excited!! I have been throwing some sort of xmas party since my college days when I would decorate my dorm room every year with lights and serve punch to anyone that came is a genetic passdown from my nana - we entertain.

5 years ago I started with an afternoon open house - less of a commitment to just drop by and was an excuse to see friends that i don't get to see a lot. The first year it was mainly just my new neighborhood..about 40 people. This year, we are expecting upwards of 150 people. It always makes me happy to add new friends to the list every is a personal goal to expand and meet new friends each year I live in this town - so many wonderful people out there. I have about 40 dozen cookies made, have some great punches for the big people and santa is coming for the little ones. Basically everyone leaves on a sugar high, buzzed and santa'ed up :)

I have people coming from high school days and people I met a few months ago and it is so wonderful to have these blessings in my life all in one house. It is a good day - every year.

So far I have not cried once this holiday season - been having a blast doing holiday fun with family and friends, enjoying myself but taking care of myself and realizing that the fun of the season is not focusing on ME, it is in sharing times with others, giving to those who need it and to stop being so self-centered on MY body and if it is or isn't losing weight, tightening up. WHATEVER. Don't we all have better and bigger things to worry about this time of year? Go volunteer at a food pantry. Collect toys for those families who won't have any. Spend an afternoon making sugar cookies with your kids. Give your time and/or money you'd be spending on supplements/trainers to those nonprofits not making any money this year. Stop focusing on YOURSELF. 'tis the season.

Rock on,

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sweaty Gym Guy

You know you all have one. This guy is FOUL. He works out every day from 7am to 10am at my gym. From 7:05 to 10:00 this man is drenched in sweat, dripping from his head and leaves PUDDLES on every piece of equipment, the floor, you name it. Did I mention he is FOUL.

As he was finishing his "cardio" at the end, he went and grabbed ONE towel wash thing, wiped off his hands and neck and then USED IT TO WIPE DOWN THE TREADMILL..ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME??

Needless to say, I complained to management. That is unsanitary. He also grunts LOUDLY. And did I mention that this guy has been working out like this for MONTHS and is only getting fatter? One of the trainers said he must go home and eat burgers all day. Now they are picking straws on who gets to talk to him.

NASTY. I just had to vent.

Rock on and need to go shower,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Silent Night..

December has hit and as I do every year, I have 150 people to my house next Sunday for our Holiday Open House. I foolishly started the tradition years ago of doing ALL THE scratch. This seemed to work well when my parties were, say, 40 people but at 2-3 pieces of baked goods per person that puts me at 450 pieces of holiday delightfulness or close to 40 dozen sweet treats. Did I mention that I do all of this from scratch and make about 12 different varieties?
It is family tradition to be a baker and I am REALLY GOOD - 4th generation of this..but my shoulder is already sore after one day...2 years ago I ended up with bursitis, my first baking injury! Who says it isn't a workout??

Had a nasty cold/throat/chest thing for a few days and finally kicked it. At this point I am more NOT eating then eating I am so busy but making good choices when I remember. Ironically I rarely ever eat my own baking, just a taste of each batch to make sure it isn't toxic. This picture was my kitchen yesterday morning. Have 4 dozen gingerbread men made and 3 dozen of the 7 layer is thumbprints..or russian teacakes..haven't decided..feeling like seeing some red..8 days left before the party and much to do..
I feel happier this month then I have for many many grandfather died 2 days after Christmas when I was 14 and this time of year still makes me sad. He and my grandmother lived with us (same brownstone, different apartment) and he was not only like another parent, but my favorite one. I remember we knew he was going to die at Christmas mass and when the choir started singing Silent Night, with the church dark and all of us holding candles, my mom softly started to sob. That song to this day reduces me to a heaping mess. Always. But this year I feel a little more light..I have been doing as much as possible in the community this year to help those struggling - organizing food drives, toy drives, drives to raise money to pay people's gas for the winter. My christmas party is also a toys for tots party. It feels good to give something maybe that is why the lights are shining a little brighter on the tree this year.
And maybe, just maybe, this will be the year that I can sing Silent Night.
Rock on,