Going to start keeping track of my weights on here..only because I am interested and haven't done so in a while...today was the third day in a row that I was the only girl in the weight room..where the f*( are the chicks??
Some weights from the week so I can see where I progress in a month - because it's all a journey right? Had my first running interval cardio today since before I was sick - lungs finally all clear..felt GREAT!! Started on the slow side just to see but felt REALLY good..mama is BACK BABIES!!!
Weight highlights that I want to focus on..
Shoulder Day:
Smith Machine Behind the Head Press (I hate these friggin things):
20 reps - 35 lbs
15 reps - 45 lbs
6 reps - 75lbs
Smith Upright Row:
20 reps: 35lbs
12 reps: 45lbs
6 reps: 55 lbs
6 reps: 65 lbs
Leg Day:
Seated Plate Loaded Leg Press:
20 reps - 250lbs
15 reps - 275 lbs
6 reps - 360 lbs - that would be 4 -45 plates on each side..not counting with the machine weighs..yeah, bring it.
Hack Squat - Plate Loaded
15 reps - 200lbs
6 reps - 250lbs
Chest Day:
Smith Machine incline press:
20 reps: 55lbs
15 reps: 65 lbs
6 reps: 80lbs
Smith Machine Wide Press:
15 reps: 75lbs
6 reps: 90 lbs
Barbell curls:
6 reps: 50lb barbell
21's: 30lb dumbbell
Tricep Barbell behind the head:
15 reps: 30lbs
6 reps: 40lbs
Smith Machine Chest/Tricep:
15 reps: 45lbs
6 reps: 65lbs
Rock on,
Halfway there!
5 years ago